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Who is entitled for a housing certificate Printable version

Last update: 30.05.2024

Housing certificates are provided by akimats to families with a low income for acquisition of accommodation. The certificate is issued on the condition of accommodation acquisition under mortgage program approved by the National Bank of RK or state housing construction program. Housing certificates are provided to cover a part of initial installment for housing mortgage. In this material we will tell who can obtain a housing certificate and in which form.

Who can obtain a housing certificate?

 Local representative bodies (maslikhats) of regions, cities of republican significance, the capital, districts (cities of regional significance) determine the size and list of categories of recipients of housing certificates.

  1. social assistance,
  2. social support in the form of public budget loan.

The housing certificates are provided within funds provided for in local budgets for a current financial year. In case of lack of funds, an announcement is published on termination of housing certificates issuance.  

In which cases one or another housing certificate is issued?

Housing certificate as a social assistance is provided in case if an applicant and cohabiting family members (spouse, underage children) have an average income from labour and (or) entrepreneurial activities (exclusive of pension contributions, individual income tax and other compulsory deductions) for the previous 6 (six) months, which does not exceed 3.1-fold indicator of minimum subsistence level set by the legislation for a current financial year for each family member (spouse, underage children, including children learning full-time at the organizations of basic secondary and general secondary education, technical and professional organizations, post-secondary organizations, organizations of higher and postgraduate education until their coming of age (but not older than twenty-three years old). In 2024, minimum subsistence level amounts to KZT 43 407. Social assistance is provided at free-of-charge and irretrievable basis.  

Housing certificate as a public budget loan is provided under condition if an income exceeds 3.1-fold indicator of minimum subsistence level for each family member for the previous 6 months. It means that a certificate is provided in case of average income over KZT 134 561,7 (minimum subsistence level in 2024 is KZT 43 407).

Social support in the form of public budget loan is provided:

  • for the period up to 15 (fifteen) years
  • at remuneration rate in the amount of 0.01 % per annum.

Procedure for housing certificate obtainment

The housing certificate is valid within a relevant territorial unit of the local executive body, except cases of acquiring accommodation in suburban areas of Astana and Almaty. Housing can be bought on the territory of the region, which includes the akimat in which you are standing in line.

First, an applicant submits a notification to a second-tier bank on intention to obtain a housing certificate. An application for housing certificate obtainment is submitted  

  • to an administrative office of akimat`s department, which coordinates the spheres of employment, social welfare, construction, housing relations (Administrator);
  • via “Government for Citizens” Public Corporation (hereinafter: CSC).

When applying via CSC, an employee checks the completeness and reliability of documents as well as an applicant`s status and sends the documents to the Administrator on the day of obtainment.

A designated employee of the Administrator calculates the need for funds and sends a positive decision or substantiated refusal to an applicant within 3 (three) working days.

An applicant contacts the Administrator to conlcude an agreement on provision of a housing certificate (hereinafter: Certificate) within 2 (two) working days from the date of decision obtainment.

In case of social assistance provision, an agreement is concluded between an applicant and the Administrator within 2 (two) working days from the date of an applicant’s visit.

When an agreement is concluded, the housing certificate sum is transferred to an applicant`s escrow account/saving account no later than 1 (one) working day.

In case if social support in the form of public budget loan is provided than an agreement is concluded between an applicant, the Administrator and trustee (agent) within 3 (three) working days. Within the stated period, a loan agreement is concluded on provision of public budget loan. The conditions for the provision, repayment and servicing of public budget loans are established by a loan agreement. The fulfillment of obligations on a public budget loan is secured by a pledge, a written guarantee, warranty, or in another way.

An engagement agreement stipulates that a trustee (agent) concludes a loan agreement with a recipient of housing certificate, monitors a recipient`s financial condition, transfers a housing certificate sum, keeps records of the repayment of the public budget loan to the Administrator's account.

A trustee (agent) transfers a housing certificate sum to an applicant's escrow account/saving account no later than 1 (one) working day from the day the loan agreement is concluded. Upon receipt of a housing certificate sum, a bank enters into a bank loan agreement with an applicant, a mortgage agreement (pledge agreement).

Within 5 (five) working days after applying for a mortgage housing loan using a housing certificate, an applicant shall provide the Administrator (trustee (agent) with a copy of bank loan agreement and mortgage agreement (pledge agreement).

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