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Marital contract: order and terms of conclusion Printable version

Last update: 21.05.2024

judge's hammer and wedding ringsA prenuptial agreement or marriage contract - a phenomenon previously unknown is, over time, is gaining popularity in Kazakhstan. In this article we will talk about what a marriage contract, what it is, what conditions it is possible to register, where to go and what documents are required.

What is a marriage contract?

According to Article 39 of the Marriage (Matrimony) and Family marriage contract is an agreement of the persons entering into marriage (marriage), spouses or agreement defining property rights and responsibilities of spouses in a marriage (marriage)and (or) in the event of its dissolution. Moreover, a prenuptial agreement may provide property rights for children born or adopted in the marriage (marriage).

In other words, a marriage contract, or as it is called marriage contract is institutionalized arrangement, which enshrines the right to property of the spouses in marriage and children.

Prenuptial agreement voluntary decision no obligation to conclude his or refuse to enter. Definitely worth abandon prejudices that marriage contract can cause divorce, World practice shows that the conclusion of the marriage contract often helps to avoid divorce.

What is a marriage contract?

According to Article 40 of the Marriage (Matrimony) and Family marriage contract is an agreement of the persons entering into marriage (marriage), spouses or agreement defining property rights and responsibilities of spouses in a marriage (marriage)and (or) in the event of its dissolution. Moreover, a prenuptial agreement may provide property rights for children born or adopted in the marriage (marriage).

In other words, a marriage contract, or as it is called marriage contract is institutionalized arrangement, which enshrines the right to property of the spouses in marriage and children.

Prenuptial agreement voluntary decision no obligation to conclude his or refuse to enter. Definitely worth abandon prejudices that marriage contract can cause divorce, World practice shows that the conclusion of the marriage contract often helps to avoid divorce.

When can contract marriage?

Under Article 41 of the Code of the marriage contract can be concluded as the date of application for registration of marriage and before marriage registration procedure and at any time during the marriage. This means that a prenuptial agreement you make at any time convenient for you. It's worth noting that if you get a prenup before marriage registration, the treaty will enter into force only after the marriage registration procedure.

That you can specify in the marriage contract?

Where to go and what needs to enter into a marriage contract?

In some cases, the marriage contract is canceled?


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